Sponsor Directory

  • Name: Aamir Bashir

    Recipient Year: 2014

    Major: Islamic Thought

    School Name: University of Chicago

    Sponsor: Muslim Community Center (MCC) of the East Bay

  • Name: Masih Ali Fouladi

    Recipient Year: 2013

    Major: Public Interest Law

    School Name: UC Davis

    Sponsor: Muslim Community Center (MCC) of the East Bay

  • Name: Cherice Jones

    Recipient Year: 2014

    Major: English

    School Name: SUNY University at Albany

    Sponsor: Muslim Community Center (MCC) of the East Bay

  • Name: Saugher Nojan

    Recipient Year: 2020

    Major: Sociology, Empahsis in Critical Race & Ethnic Studies(minor)

    School Name: UC Santa Cruz

    Sponsor: Muslim Community Center (MCC) of the East Bay

  • Name: John Rhodus

    Recipient Year: 2012|2013

    Major: Islamic Studies

    School Name: UC Berkeley

    Sponsor: Muslim Community Center (MCC) of the East Bay

  • Name: Paula Thompson

    Recipient Year: 2017|2014

    Major: Islamic Studies

    School Name: Graduate Theological Union

    Sponsor: Muslim Community Center (MCC) of the East Bay|Islamic Cultural Center of Northern California (ICCNC) Scholarship

6 Results