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  • Name: Saugher Nojan

    Recipient Year: 2020

    Major: Sociology, Empahsis in Critical Race & Ethnic Studies(minor)

    Description: Saugher Nojan is an award-winning scholar and PhD candidate in sociology and critical race & ethnic studies at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Her research examines social inequalities at the intersections of racial formations, anti-Muslim racism, immigrant/refugee integration, and civic/political engagement. In 2019, Saugher earned the UC Santa Cruz Chancellor’s Achievement Award for Diversity for her community-engaged collaborative research project, called “Muslim Students Capture Campus Climate.” Her work has received support from the California Immigration Research Initiative, the Student Success Equity Research Center, the Critical Refugee Studies Collective, and the University of California National Center for Free Speech and Civic Engagement.

    School Name: University of California, Santa Cruz

    Sponsor: Muslim Community Center (MCC) of the East Bay

    LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/snojans/