Sponsor Directory

  • Name: Ayesha Durrani

    Recipient Year: 2023|2021|2022

    Major: Law

    School Name: Yale University

    Sponsor: Alassar Family Scholarship|Hina (Fakhera) Sherwani Memorial Law Scholarship|Ayub Kundi Memorial Fund

  • Name: Ali Fazal

    Recipient Year: 2021|2022|2023|2024

    Major: Law

    School Name: Washington & Lee University School of Law; UNC - Chapel Hill

    Congressional Office: Madeline Dean, PA - 4th District

    Sponsor: Afzal Family Foundation|Ayub Kundi Memorial Fund|WF Fund |Asmina and Arif Khan Family Scholarship

  • Name: Abrar Omeish

    Recipient Year: 2022|2016

    Major: Dual MPP/Law & Political Science

    School Name: Yale University

    Sponsor: Safia Noor Memorial Scholarship|Fikry and Dorria Fahmy Scholarship|Afshin Riaz Future Leaders Scholarship|Ayub Kundi Memorial Fund

  • Name: Shahnur Fatima Said

    Recipient Year: 2024

    Major: Law

    School Name: Berkeley Law

    Sponsor: Ayub Kundi Memorial Fund

4 Results