Name: Aleena Haris
Recipient Type: Scholarship Recipient
Recipient Year: 2022
School Name: University of Washington - Seattle
Major: Political Science
Sponsor: Rahbar Family Scholarship
Name: Abdullah Hasan
Recipient Type: Scholarship Recipient
Recipient Year: 2014|2015
School Name: University of Connecticut
Major: Political Science and Women's Studies
Sponsor: Muslim Community Association of the Bay Area (MCA) Scholarship
Name: Noor-Ul-Ain Hasan
Recipient Type: Scholarship Recipient
Recipient Year: 2018
School Name: UC Berkeley
Major: Law
Sponsor: CAIR-SFBA Scholarship|Council on American-Islamic Relations
Name: Najeeb Hasan
Recipient Type: Scholarship Recipient
Recipient Year: 2012
School Name: University of Southern California
Major: Specialized Journalism
Sponsor: Sultana Zakir Naqvi Scholarship for Journalism and Writing
Name: Fathima Haseefa
Recipient Type: Scholarship Recipient
Recipient Year: 2015
School Name: Bayyinah Institute Dream Program
Major: BS: Islamic Law and Theology
Name: Nada Hashmi
Recipient Type: Scholarship Recipient
Recipient Year: 2013
School Name: MIT
Major: Nonprofit Management
Sponsor: Syed Ibrahim Memorial fund for the Greater Boston Region
Name: Razi Hashmi
Recipient Type: Scholarship Recipient
Recipient Year: 2022|2024
School Name: George Washington University
Major: Law
Sponsor: Foundation for Intelligent Giving|Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom Scholarship
Name: Javad Hashmi
Recipient Type: Scholarship Recipient
Recipient Year: 2014
School Name: Harvard University
Major: Islamic Studies
Sponsor: Islamic Institute of Orange County (IIOC) Scholarship
Name: Edil Hassan
Recipient Type: Scholarship Recipient
Recipient Year: 2020
School Name: Washington University of St. Louis
Major: Writing for Film & TV
Sponsor: Afzal Family Foundation
Name: Zaid Ahmed Hassan
Recipient Type: Scholarship Recipient
Recipient Year: 2023
School Name: University of Southern California
Major: Film and Television Production
Sponsor: Alassar Family Scholarship
Name: Lila Hassan
Recipient Type: Scholarship Recipient
Recipient Year: 2019
School Name: Columbia University
Major: Journalism
Sponsor: Shahin-Fatemeh Scholarship|Afzal Family Foundation
Name: Aia Hawari
Recipient Type: Scholarship Recipient
Recipient Year: 2014
School Name: UC San Diego
Major: Literature/Writing
Sponsor: UC Irvine Muslim Alumni Association