ISF ALUMNI: 2009-2022

  • Name: Jinan Chehade

    Recipient Type: Scholarship Recipient

    Recipient Year: 2018

    School Name: DePaul University

    Major: Political Science

    Sponsor: Fikry and Dorria Fahmy Scholarship

  • Name: Youssef Chouhoud

    Recipient Type: Scholarship Recipient

    Recipient Year: 2015|2013

    School Name: University of Southern California

    Major: Political Science and International Relations

    Sponsor: Fikry and Dorria Fahmy Scholarship

  • Name: Hamilton Parker Cook

    Recipient Type: Scholarship Recipient

    Recipient Year: 2012

    School Name: Brandeis University

    Major: Near Eastern and Judiac Studies / PhD: Relgious, Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies

    Sponsor: Zehra Attari Memorial Scholarship

  • Name: Nour Coudsi

    Recipient Type: Scholarship Recipient

    Recipient Year: 2016

    School Name: University of the Arts London

    Major: Media Studies

    Sponsor: Abdul Sattar Rydhan Memorial Scholarship

  • Name: Christopher Cusano

    Recipient Type: Scholarship Recipient

    Recipient Year: 2011

    School Name: Zaytuna College

    Major: Islamic Law and Theology

    Sponsor: Zaytuna Scholarship

  • Name: Fatima Dakroub

    Recipient Type: Scholarship Recipient

    Recipient Year: 2021

    School Name: Wayne State University

    Major: Law

    Sponsor: Muslim Community Association of the Bay Area (MCA) Scholarship

  • Name: Asad Dandia

    Recipient Type: Scholarship Recipient

    Recipient Year: 2018|2017

    School Name: NYU

    Major: Near (Middle) Eastern Studies

    Sponsor: Afzal Family Foundation|Batool Javidan Memorial Scholarship

  • Name: Lena Diasti

    Recipient Type: Scholarship Recipient

    Recipient Year: 2021

    School Name: University of Chicago

    Major: Fundamentals: Issues & Texts, Human Rights x Data Science

    Sponsor: Andrea Annaba Memorial Scholarship

  • Name: Reema Doleh

    Recipient Type: Scholarship Recipient

    Recipient Year: 2024

    School Name: Harvard Law School

    Major: Law

    Sponsor: Muslim Bar Association of New York (MuBANY) Scholarship

  • Name: Cesar Domingues

    Recipient Type: Scholarship Recipient

    Recipient Year: 2014

    School Name: Bayan Claremont

    Major: Islamic Leadership

    Sponsor: Bayan Claremont College

  • Name: Nabintou Doumbia

    Recipient Type: Scholarship Recipient

    Recipient Year: 2017

    School Name: Wayne State University

    Major: Sociology

    Sponsor: Afzal Family Foundation

  • Name: Claire Downing

    Recipient Type: Scholarship Recipient

    Recipient Year: 2018

    School Name: George Mason University

    Major: Conflict Analysis and Resolution

    Sponsor: Aisha Yaqoob Courage & Leadership Scholarship

475 Results