ISF ALUMNI: 2009-2022

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  • Name: Christopher Cusano

    Recipient Type: Scholarship Recipient

    Recipient Year: 2011

    School Name: Zaytuna College

    Major: Islamic Law and Theology

    Description: Christopher Cusano is a 2014 graduate of Zaytuna College. He also holds a B.A in Political Science and Economics and an M.A. in Political Science from the University of Central Florida where he served as the MSA President. Chris was the founding director of CAIR Orlando and was an active member of the Muslim community of Central Florida until he left to pursue Arabic studies in the Middle East. He returned to continue Islamic studies under the scholars at Zaytuna College which he hopes will equip him with the knowledge to better serve American Muslims. He also held positions assisting in different organizations and projects such as the National Muslim Athletic Association, Salik Academy, and Light of Mercy.

    Sponsor: Zaytuna Scholarship