Name: Eshal Warsi
Recipient Year: 2024
Major: Political Science
Description: Eshal is a rising senior majoring in Political Science and minoring in Leadership Studies at the University of Houston Honors College. She was born in Brampton, Canada, and moved to Houston, Texas in high school. During her college career, she has helped mobilize volunteers to work with elementary school children, refugee families, and pediatric patients. She is a member of her school’s undergraduate mock trial team and an all-region attorney. She also co-founded the Houston Undergraduate Law Review to help her peers publish legal research. Eshal has worked with asylum seekers in Houston, which sparked her interest in federal immigration policy. She is applying to Master’s of Public Policy programs to help her understand how to create effective and scaleable public policy. After her Master’s degree, she wants to attend law school and explore the world of public interest law. She dreams of working with a civil rights group and advocating for vulnerable populations like immigrants and indigent clients.
School Name: University of Houston
Sponsor: Alassar Family Scholarship
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