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  • Name: Isha Khan

    Recipient Year: 2023

    Congressional Office: Rep. Ilhan Omar

    Description: My name is Isha Khan and I am a 2023 ISF Scholar at the University of Michigan majoring in Public Policy with a minor in Quantitative Methods in Social Sciences. As a Muslim, low-income first-generation student, and son of immigrants, my motivation for public service is driven by the barriers my community faced. I hope to make the world a more equitable place through advocacy and policy. I am passionate about issues that allow upward socioeconomic mobility such as affordable housing, labor, and healthcare. I plan to attend law school to bring these changes to the legal world and hope to run for public office one day.

    School Name: University of Michigan

    Sponsor: Foundation for Intelligent Giving|Alassar Family Scholarship

    LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ishakhan2025/