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  • Name: Mariam Makki

    Recipient Year: 2022

    Congressional Office: Rep. Mondaire Jones (NY-17)

    Description: Mariam Makki is an Arab-American first-generation college graduate, born in Beirut, Lebanon; she relocated to Dearborn, MI in 2006. Mariam obtained her B.A. in International Relations with Honors from James Madison College at Michigan State University, with a double major in Social Relations & Policy and a minor in Muslim Studies. After graduating, Mariam was selected to be a Challenge Detroit Fellow, where she utilized the design-thinking method (an approach that puts human-centered design at the forefront) in support of Detroit non-profit partners. She was the Employee Engagement Specialist in DTE Energy’s Public Affairs department; where she co-led DTE’s United Way Corporate Campaign, which contributes $2.3 million annually to over 200 local United Ways. She has also canvassed with ACCESS to promote Arab-American voter turnout. Using the skills and knowledge she gained from theses experiences, Mariam seeks to continue advancing her passion for advocacy work, including through further higher education.

    School Name: Michigan State University

    Sponsor: Alassar Family Scholarship

    LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mariammakki/