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  • Name: Ayesha Nawal Mubin

    Recipient Year: 2022

    Major: Film Producing

    Description: Nawal Mubin has always had a passion for film and tv, however, it didn't seem possible that her passion could amount to anything beyond a mere hobby. After following the traditional South Asian path for education, Nawal realized her heart truly lied in creating authentic representation for minority communities within film and tv. Nawal is received her MFA in Film Producing at Feirstein Graduate School of Cinema in 2023. Although her filmmaking journey has just begun, within her first year, Nawal has already co-produced and produced two short films, and written and directed her own. In the following year, she began lead producing three other short films, one of which she is once again writing and directing herself. Nawal also began writing a feature script that would show the world a more accurate portrayal of Muslims in film and tv. Through her work, she hopes to inspire other young Muslims and show them that they too can make a career out of their passions.

    School Name: Brooklyn College

    Sponsor: Ghulam and Arifa Azad Family Scholarship

    LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nawal-mubin-36a2a5157/