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  • Name: Ibrahim Bharmal

    Recipient Year: 2024|2016

    Major: Law; International Relations

    Description: Ibrahim Bharmal graduated from Stanford University in 2018 where he studied Comparative Literature and International Relations. His focuses were in Arabic literature, Middle Eastern History, and Post-Colonial theory. He also minored in Human Rights and wrote an arts thesis based on his family’s experience as Muslim Americans and immigration from Pakistan to the United States. Ibrahim’s interests are at the intersection of migration issues and criminal justice reform. Ibrahim was a visiting lecturer at the University of Jember in East Java, Indonesia, where he managed a human rights journal, taught English classes, and conducted research with the Center for Human Rights, Migration, and Multiculturalism. Ibrahim also was a Govern for America fellow at the Allegheny County Department of Human Services. In the future, Ibrahim hopes to practice immigration and human rights law, eventually using this platform to enter local politics in his home state of California.

    School Name: Harvard Law; Stanford University

    Sponsor: Ali M. Bhat Scholarship |Alassar Family Scholarship|International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT) Scholarship

    LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ibrahimbharmal/