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  • Name: Seher Siddiqee

    Recipient Year: 2014

    Major: Islamic Chaplaincy

    Description: Seher Siddiqee received her undergraduate degree from Santa Clara University in Religious Studies and Psychology in June 2014. During her time at SCU, she was involved with the Interfaith Council through Campus Ministry all four years and served as an intern there for two years. In September 2014, Seher began her Masters program at Hartford Seminary in Connecticut in Islamic Chaplaincy with an emphasis in Muslim-Christian Relations, graduating in 2017. After completion of her masters, she has worked within higher education institutions as a chaplain with students of all faiths as a mentor, providing spiritual direction. Seher also previously interned at Islamic Networks Group (ING) to help create and launch the youth program which provide resources for young Muslim Americans to better be able to share their faith with others. She also co-led a group of 15 high school juniors and seniors to Santa Fe, NM for an Interfaith immersion trip to visit sacred worship spaces of different religious traditions.

    School Name: Hartford Seminary

    Sponsor: South Bay Islamic Association (SBIA) Scholarship

    LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/seher-siddiqee-b797626b/