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  • Name: Zahra Moeini

    Recipient Year: 2015

    Major: Islamic Philosophy

    Description: Zahra Moeini Meybodi completed her Master’s at the University of Chicago. Her research interests revolve around the Islamic intellectual tradition, especially as it has been expressed in the Arabic and Persianate literature of the classical and modern eras. They include exploration into the theopoetics as well as philosophies of language per Muslim scholarship. Before moving to Chicago for her studies, Zahra was extensively involved in planning and participating in activities pertaining to the Muslim community in NYC. The programs included organizing cultural, educational, and religious programs for the youth in English and Persian, as well as presentation of her own poems, often inspired by her personal love of Persian poetry and arts. She has also worked as a project director and an editor for works by several prominent Muslim artists and musicians. Zahra plans to further develop her research interests in the Islamic literary and intellectual tradition.

    School Name: University of Chicago

    Sponsor: Yaseen Foundation Scholarship