Name: Jalil Kochai
Recipient Year: 2017
Major: Education
Description: Jalil Jan Kochai completed the Masters/Teaching Credential Program at UC Davis. His academic interests include, postcolonial history/literature, film theory, photography, and the modern history of Afghanistan. Jalil graduated magna cum laude from California State University of Sacramento in 2017 with a bachelor’s degree in History. In 2016 he was the recipient of Sacramento State’s History Department’s prestigious Peter H. Shattuck Undergraduate Scholarship and in 2017 he received the Faculty Senate Award for his academic achievements. He also served as the vice president for the CSUS Muslim Student Association, and during his time with the MSA, he helped coordinate several events. Jalil is also a photographer. His works have been published in several smaller collegiate magazines and have been sold during charity auctions. His works are often of Afghanistan, more specifically the children of his home village in Lowgar and the capital city of Kabul.
School Name: Graduate Theological Union
Sponsor: Afzal Family Foundation
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