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  • Name: Javad Hashmi

    Recipient Year: 2014

    Major: Islamic Studies

    Description: Javad T. Hashmi, M.D., M.T.S. is an emergency physician and PhD candidate in the Study of Religion at Harvard University. In addition to his medical training, he holds a bachelor’s and master’s degree in Arabic & Islamic Studies from Berkeley and Harvard, respectively. Dr. Hashmi was a recipient of the Kathryn Davis Fellowship for Peace, and was a former Fellow of Medical Ethics at Harvard Medical School. His research interests include: Islamic and Qur’anic Studies, with a special focus on religious reform, interfaith relations, ethics, and human rights. He was awarded the Islamic Scholarship Fund scholarship in 2014 while pursuing his master’s degree in Islamic studies.

    School Name: Harvard University

    Sponsor: Islamic Institute of Orange County (IIOC) Scholarship