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  • Name: Samina Ferguson

    Recipient Year: 2015

    Major: MA: Islamic Chaplaincy

    Description: Samina Ferguson is a second year student of Bayan-Claremont. Initially focusing on a Master’s in Islamic Studies and Leadership, Samina is now pursuing a Master’s Degree in Bayan-Claremont’s new Islamic Chaplaincy program. Samina obtained her Bachelor’s degree in Health Care Administration and has been working in one of the largest hospital systems on the east coast for 14 years. Samina will combine her practical knowledge of the health care system with her faith practice and God willing be able to serve as a hospital chaplain in her community. Living by the motto, “always a student”, Samina is also a student of Kung Fu. Samina understands the importance of self care as part of solid leadership and looks forward to seeing more female chaplains in the near future.

    School Name: Bayan Claremont

    Sponsor: Bayan Claremont College