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  • Name: Nadia Farjood

    Recipient Year: 2015

    Major: Law

    Description: In pursuit of becoming a better public advocate, Nadia Farjood attended Harvard Law School. She was most previously the Senior Manager for Strategic Initiatives at Political Parity, a nonpartisan nonprofit educating and engaging actors and allies to increase women’s political representation in the United States. A champion for a reflective and effective democracy, Nadia passionately believes that a more representative government is more responsive to the needs of its people. Nadia graduated with a Government major and Neurobiology minor from Harvard College, where she actively advanced women’s leadership through a variety of avenues. Inspired by women’s campaigns in 2012, Nadia wrote her senior thesis on women’s pathways to the U.S. Senate. She has worked at the White House and on Elizabeth Warren’s Senate campaign. Nadia has served on the American Planning Board of Humanity in Action; on the Advisory Councils of Running Start and Legal Momentum; and as an ambassador of VoteRunLead. 

    School Name: Harvard University

    Sponsor: Council on American-Islamic Relations|CAIR-SFBA Scholarship

    LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nadia-farjood-61422237/