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  • Name: Sekinat Jumai Yusuf

    Recipient Year: 2018

    Major: Film and Television Production

    Description: Jumai graduated from Harvard College in May 2016 with a B.A in Neurobiology, yet to the surprise of everyone decided to pursue a career in Film and TV. She completed an MFA in Film & TV Production at the University of Southern California. As a Director, she hopes to combine her love of science and art through film. She is drawn to genre filmmaking (sci-fi, fantasy, horror), and since she is a Muslim, Nigerian immigrant, she always strives to bring the stories and characters of underrepresented minorities to the screen.

    School Name: University of Southern California

    Sponsor: Ghulam and Arifa Azad Family Scholarship

    LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sjyusuf/