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  • Name: Malak Silmi

    Recipient Year: 2019

    Major: Journalism

    Description: Malak Silmi is currently a journalism and international studies student at Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan. She has completed multiple internships in the past year including a two-week intensive reporting student institute with the New York Times and a summer digital news internship with local NPR affiliate, Michigan Radio. She will be serving as News Editor of her campus newspaper, The South End, for the upcoming academic year, and hopes to pursue a career as an international correspondent and possibly attend law school. She identifies as a Muslim Palestinian-American, and has a passion for reporting on politics, culture, and current issues that impact Muslim and minority communities in the United States.

    School Name: Wayne State University

    Sponsor: Abdul Sattar Rydhan Memorial Scholarship

    LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/malak-silmi/