ISF attempts to increase Muslim representation in media in order to correct negative portrayals in news and journalism. The way news is produced and written has an indisputable effect on public opinion. The following media-related majors qualify for the ISF scholarship: Media Studies, Writing, Journalism(Print & Digital)
ISF recognizes the power policy making holds in combatting bias and aims to increase the number of Muslim policy makers, lobbyists, nonprofit leaders and activists. The following policy related majors qualify for the ISF scholarship: International Relations/Affairs, Political Science, Public Policy, Social Justice/Civil Rights, Public Administration and Sociology.
ISF supports Muslim film makers in their work to create artistic, engaging and positive stories about American Muslims. Mass media, and especially creative works, has an undoubtedly powerful influence on society's perceptions. The following film related majors qualify for the ISF scholarship: Acting, Film & Television Production, Theater.
Past Awarded Scholarships
DollarsScholarships ranged from
$3,000 - $10,000
- Muslim or active member of the Muslim community;
- Enrollment at an accredited university in the U.S. by the Fall semester;
- Majoring in an ISF supported major;
- Maintaining a minimum 3.0 Grade Point Average;
- A Citizen or Permanent Resident of the U.S.;
- An undergraduate (junior/senior) or of graduate standing (includes PhD)
- Application Form
- Resume
- Video Introduction
- Essay Questions
- College Transcripts
- Work Samples
- Two letters of recommendation by a professor, mentor, religious leader, or employer
Program Timeline
ISF starts accepting applications in November for a period of 5 months. The deadline to submit a complete application is typically in late March.
Policy Making
Participants will be placed with offices of different members of Congress and will learn about inclusive and intersectional policy making. Additionally, they will gain valuable experience needed for entering the world of government. Interns will complete their term knowing how to remedy injustice with policy.
The ISF Congressional Internship Program aims to expose American Muslim students to the privileges and responsibilities of working in the halls of Capitol Hill, and hopefully inspire a new generation of American Muslim policymakers.
An important aspect of the program is the many networking opportunities that interns have with representatives of congressional offices, government agencies, interest groups, think-tanks and nonprofits in DC. Through our educational workshops led by high-profile consultants, activist, nonprofit leaders, attorneys and public figures, we train our interns to engage and create meaningful discussions.
An 8-week summer internship program that teaches how policies get shaped and influenced on Capitol Hill. Participants for this program leave inspired to run for office, take jobs on the Hill, or to start their own meaningful initiatives.


ISF will start accepting online applications at the beginning of November of each year.
Internship Benefits
- $3,500 stipend
- Free housing
- Roundtrip airfare
- Placement in a Congressional office
- Program orientation
- Professional leadership and policy enrichment workshops throughout the program
- Networking opportunities
- Mentorship program and access to our online mentorship platform
- Job or internship placement support after the program
- Application Form
- Resume
- Video Introduction
- Essay Questions
- College Transcripts
- Work Samples
- Two letters of recommendation by a professor, mentor, religious leader, or employer
- Muslim or an active member of the Muslim community;
- Enrolled at an accredited university in the U.S. or graduated within the last year;
- Majoring in an ISF supported major;
- Maintaining a minimum 3.0 Grade Point Average;
- A Citizen or Permanent Resident of the U.S.;
- An undergraduate (incoming junior-senior) or of graduate standing (excluding Ph.D.)
About The Program
The ISF Congressional Fellowship Program is a highly selective, nonpartisan program devoted to promoting and encouraging diversity and inclusion on the Hill. Through a 12 month fellowship, fellows will gain real-world experience working on legislative and public policy issues.
What to Expect
Fellows of this program will not only have access to Congressional members and others within the halls of power, they will have the opportunity to work as a full-time staffer for 12 months conducting tasks such as research, meeting with special interest groups, drafting bills/speeches, and preparing the Member for hearings, etc.
Upon arrival, participants will attend a three-day preparatory orientation. Typically fellows will work 40 hours a week and will be expected to participate in all ISF-sponsored activities. As participants will be representing ISF, they should work to meet ISF's work performance and ethics.
Applications are evaluated based on evidence of leadership potential and professional skills to succeed in a public service position.

ISF Film Grant Informational Webinar
June 11th, 2020, 5:00PM PST
The First American Muslim Film Grant supporting Muslim filmmakers to change the narrative and tell their own stories.
"For filmmakers, one of the things that is so important to us is knowing that someone is interested in our stories, knowing that someone can benefit and learn from our stories because I believe as a film director that there isn o such thing as pure entertainment there is always a learning aspect. In today's mainstream entertainment we have to change that."
- Queen Ali Muhammad - 2017 ISF Film Grant Recipient

"I can't stress enough the importance of ISF and our community supporting the arts, thank you for giving us the opportunity to raise our voice"
-Jude Chehab - 2016 ISF Grant Recipient
Mass media has an undoubtedly powerful influence on society's perceptions and beliefs about the subjects portrayed. While the spread of Internet media sources and social networking sites provide outlets for alternative voices, traditional mass media still reaches a larger number of people and holds substantial power in determining what information is deemed important.
ISF initiated the film grant program in 2014 to create a stronger narrative of Muslim stories and supporting Muslim filmmakers. The program has continued to grow and since it's founding has awarded $220,000 dollars to promising filmmakers.
The Islamic Scholarship Fund Film Grant specifically aims to facilitate and support Muslim emerging and professional filmmakers, who are creating artistic, engaging and positive stories about Muslims.
The grant is split into two categories: narrative and documentary. In addition to funding, grant recipients will also receive mentorship and/or networking opportunities from an industry professional to help further the advancement of their script and film.