MUslim bar association of CHicago
Established in 1997, the Muslim Bar Association of Chicago is the nation’s oldest regional Muslim bar association. Our members include accomplished attorneys, law professors, judges, and law students. Our mission is to foster the highest ethics, integrity, and honor of the legal profession, and to advance and improve the administration of justice for all Americans.
MBA Chicago Endowed Scholarship Program
The MBA Chicago Endowed Scholarship Program is designed to create a legacy for empowering Muslim communities in the greater Chicago area. This Program will fund annual scholarships for law students in Chicago who are pursuing public interest careers. By supporting this program, you can help provide Muslims with the opportunity to become leaders in our community. Your donation will make a real difference in their lives and in our communities, enabling these promising students to pursue higher education, achieve their academic and career goals, and pursue a career dedicated to creating a more just and equitable society. Join us in supporting the MBA Chicago Endowed Scholarship Program and help us empower the next generation of Muslim attorneys to make a difference.