Name: Shaheed Ansari
Recipient Type: Scholarship Recipient
Recipient Year: 2021
School Name: CUNY School of Law
Major: Law
Description: Shaheed Ansari attends City University of New York School of Law Class (2024). At 17, his interests in activism and volunteering led him to volunteer at "Vote Blue" where became employed as a Volunteer and Outreach Coordinator until 2021 in Pennsylvania's 35th House District. He continued his voter registration outreach while attending California University of PA for undergrad. Shaheed coordinated annual GOTV efforts every year in Allegheny and Fayette counties. Almost every Democratic candidate won in his district, including Ed Gainey, the first Black Mayor in Pittsburgh's history. Shaheed aspires to practice within the criminal justice field and become Attorney General. Shaheed hopes to change the mass incarceration of the current legal field. He believes until we have competent advocates within the criminal justice system, marginalized citizens will continue to be victims. Shaheed believes change must be sudden, purposeful, and calculated to address the 400 years of discrimination until we are all free.
Sponsor: Muslim Bar Association of New York (MuBANY) Scholarship
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