Name: Sarah Farouq
Recipient Type: Scholarship Recipient
Recipient Year: 2018
School Name: Grossmont College
Major: Political Science
Description: Sarah is a graduate of U.C. Berkeley, studying political science. Sarah has lived as a refugee for most of her life, from Iraq to Jordan and to the United States in 2010. This has formed her own sense of identity and eventually motivated her to study politics. Sarah has been engaged in working to serve her community. She has worked as a community and political organizer with a nonprofit organization called Pillars of the Community, where she organized projects to educate Muslim communities about different issues and causes. She has also helped create coalitions with organizations across San Diego to create an advocacy network for Muslims. Working with Pillars she mainly focused on criminal justice advocacy in the community of Southeast San Diego by educating the Muslim community about this issue. Apart from her community work, Sarah has also focused on her studies. Ultimately, her career goal is to become an attorney and go back to her communities and advocate for them through policy work.
Sponsor: Rashida Tlaib Courage and Leadership Scholarship
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