Name: Noora Barakat
Recipient Type: Scholarship Recipient
Recipient Year: 2014
School Name: Georgetown University
Major: Law
Description: Noora Barakat received her J.D. from Georgetown University Law Center, and her B.A. in Child Development and American Studies from Tufts University. She has worked in both nonprofit and government sectors, including the Urban Justice Center, U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division, The Legal Aid Society, and the ABA Center on Children and the Law. After law school, Noora spent one year working on gender justice and refugee resettlement issues at ARDD-Legal Aid and IRAP in Jordan. Noora has provided legal representation and advocacy for immigrant non-citizen survivors of domestic violence in family and immigration law matters. As one of the few Arabic-speaking attorneys in her field, Noora does special outreach with the Arab and Muslim communities in New York City.
Sponsor: ISF
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