Film Scholarship Recipients

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  • Name: Rami Koujah

    Recipient Year: 2015

    Major: Law

    Description: Rami Koujah graduated from UC Los Angeles with a dual B.A. in Arabic and M.A. in Islamic Studies. Under the supervision of Professor Khaled Abou El Fadl, his research there focused on Islamic law and ethics. Following UCLA, he completed a Master of Study in Oriental Studies at the University of Oxford under the supervision of Professor Christopher Melchert. Since 2008, Rami has studied classical texts with traditionally trained scholars. Rami has contributed entries to the Islamic World Encyclopedia, the Integrated Encyclopedia of the Qur’ān, and the Kalam Theology Glossary, and he has presented his research at academic conferences at the University of Leiden, the University of Edinburgh, the University of Oxford, and the University of London. He recently completed an essay that is currently undergoing negotiations for publication in an academic journal. In the Fall, Rami will be joining the incoming class of the University of Virginia School of Law as a JD student.

    School Name: University of Virginia

    Sponsor: Islamic Institute of Orange County (IIOC) Scholarship