Film Scholarship Recipients
Name: Mohammed Obaid'Ur Rehman Shariff
Recipient Year: 2013
Major: Public Interest Law
Description: Mohammed Obaid Shariff is a graduate of the University of Houston Law Center. Assisting those who are less fortunate has been firmly instilled in Mohammed from a very young age. At the age of 14, Mohammed began volunteering at a local non-profit healthcare clinic called Shifa Clinic where he helped physicians provide free healthcare services to low-income families in the community. At the age of 19, Mohammed founded a non-profit organization called WALI Foundation which stands for Women’s Assistance & Learning Initiative. The organization helps women who are widowed, divorced, abused and/or abandoned with numerous social services including, ent assistance and access to free health and legal care. Since its formation the organization has assisted over 50 families across the U.S. with over $60,000 in rent and bill assistance.
School Name: University of Houston
Sponsor: ISF
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