Policy Scholarship Recipients

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  • Name: Yoseph Hamid

    Recipient Year: 2022

    Major: International Peace and Conflict Resolution

    Description: Yoseph graduated from the University at Buffalo–SUNY and its Advanced Honors Program with a BA in Political Science in 2019. In this time, he was the president of a pre-law association and a college ambassador for the political science department. He also wrote an award-winning thesis on civil war in multiethnic, developing countries. Post-graduation, he worked at the Arab Center Washington DC, Council on Foreign Relations, and Middle East Institute. He also assisted the American Relief Coalition for Syria with an advocacy campaign to renew Temporary Protected Status for displaced Syrians seeking refuge in the United States. Yoseph is currently a communications professional at the Migration Policy Institute, as well as an MA International Peace & Conflict Resolution candidate and graduate research assistant at American University's School of International Service. His areas of interest include decolonized and local/indigenous approaches to peacebuilding, justice, and reconciliation.

    School Name: American University

    Sponsor: Mahmoud Abdelmageed Memorial Fund

    LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/yoseph-hamid/

    Recipient Type: Scholarship Recipient