Policy Scholarship Recipients

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  • Name: Dalia Fikry Fahmy

    Recipient Year: 2009

    Major: Political Science

    School Name: Rutgers University

    Sponsor: ISF

  • Name: Duaa Faquih

    Recipient Year: 2024

    Major: Political Science

    School Name: Vanderbilt University

    Sponsor: Makhraj Endowment Fund Scholarship

  • Name: Karim Farishta

    Recipient Year: 2019

    Major: Public Policy

    School Name: Harvard University

    Sponsor: Foundation for Intelligent Giving

  • Name: Safia Farole

    Recipient Year: 2016

    Major: Political Science

    School Name: UCLA

    Sponsor: Deah Yusor Razan Scholarship (An initiative of Our Three Winners Endowment)

  • Name: Aisha Farooq

    Recipient Year: 2020

    Major: Public Policy; Social Policy/Social Justice

    School Name: George Mason University

    Sponsor: Shahin-Fatemeh Scholarship

  • Name: Syed Farooq

    Recipient Year: 2014

    Major: International Relations

    School Name: Claremont Colleges

    Sponsor: MSA West Essay Competition

  • Name: Sarah Farouq

    Recipient Year: 2018

    Major: Political Science

    School Name: Grossmont College

    Sponsor: Rashida Tlaib Courage and Leadership Scholarship

  • Name: Ramzie Fathy

    Recipient Year: 2018

    Major: Public and International Affairs

    School Name: Princeton University

    Sponsor: Afzal Family Foundation

  • Name: Azka Fayyaz

    Recipient Year: 2015

    Major: History, Middle East and South Asia Studies

    School Name: UC Davis

    Sponsor: ISF

9 Results