Dhul-Hijjah 2022

For check donations, please make your check payable to ISF and send to:

1935 Addison St Suite A, Berkeley, CA, 94704

You can also text ISFDONATE to 40691


Your gifts are both tax deductible and zakat eligible!

Your donation ensures we continue increasing American Muslim representation by providing

Academic Scholarships

Congressional Fellowships and Internships

Judicial Internships

Film Grants

Each Dhul-Hijjah, we are given the opportunity to leave the month better than we began it. As we strive together in the coming weeks to embody the qualities that define our faith, please join the ISF family to explore four important principles that can improve our communities, strengthen our families, and transform our lives.

Featured Films


Over the past 13 years, ISF has empowered 75 law students to be passionate and driven legal professionals fighting unjust policies and advocating on behalf of marginalized communities across the world.


Through our Media Vertical, ISF supports and empowers American Muslim journalists and media professionals who demand honesty in journalism and transparency from our government officials.

Civic Responsibility

Through our Policy Vertical, ISF's Social Policy and Government scholarship recipients are becoming tomorrow's civil rights, government, and community leaders working in service of a better world for us all.


Through the support of our Film Vertical, ISF filmmakers become ambitious visionaries, illuminating the biases of public perception through honest storytelling.

Our Impact

ISF has awarded $1.9 Million in 506 prestigious awards to over 450 American Muslim applicants since our launch in 2009.

ISF has supported 75 law students, 65 of whom are practicing attorneys bringing justice to communities across the nation.

ISF has supported 80 Muslim filmmakers and produced 160 powerful films that have been watched by millions of viewers.

ISF Alumni have generated 3,000+ articles, shedding light on crucial issues that impact marginalized communities like ours.

ISF Alumni are more dedicated than your average college student, with 75% of our scholars working in their field of study.

ISF has empowered 163 Law and Policy Alumni, 30% of whom are working in government with 4 serving as elected officials!