Artist Circles

ISF's Peer-2-Peer Film Mentorship Network offers artistic and scholarly support, networking opportunities, and industry insight from accomplished filmmakers.
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We acknowledge the historical oppression embedded in the industries our filmmakers create in. Muslim Centered Artist Circles is a series intended to provide space and time for our alumni to restore and regroup. In unfolding experiences safely, in the community, the circle is formed to support your filmmaking path and practice.


Artist Support Presents: "Compass Building" is an interactive artist-led workshop that supports filmmakers in forming and centering their practice as they navigate the industry.

An example of past meetings: Artist Support Presents, "Humanizing Us is Dehumanizing Us"

February's topic was "Humanizing us is Dehumanizing us" and was co-facilitated by organizers of the #MyMuslimFilm movement and Sahar Pirzada. Co-create with ISF alumni.

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